Tuesday, July 25, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth Part 2

Please, please, for the love of god....
Could you please stop sending me emails detailing how watching the Al Gore movie will be the most important life changing event of my life.
I get it, the earths temperature is changing.
I get it, Al Gore doesn't like it.
I get it, there are some ideas on how to theoretically stop this warming in the movie.
I don't care. I have been hearing about this global warming forever. I haven't been offered any scientific proof to this point that it isn't conditioned to a natural cycle the earth goes through, anyone remember studying about the Ice Ages in science class growing up? I don't know even if they were that it's going to stop Earl in Kentucky from burning his leaves every fall, and I'm for damn sure that it wont stop everyone who has exclaimed how I must see this film form driving their cars. Didn't they say anything about that in there or is it just evil corporations destroying the earth?
Love the earth, love to be alive, love future generations, hate having stuff rammed down my throat because its fits nicely into the idea of a liberal utopian society where everyone thinks good thoughts and it be done.
So please, go and see "An Inconvenient Truth". Enjoy it. Have some Tootsie Rolls. And keep it to yourself.
Especially when the movie came out 2 months ago and you're just getting to it now.


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