Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I went to see Michael Showwalter and David Wain of "The State" and "Stella" fame this last weekend as part of SF Sketchfest. The guys regaled us of stories from their beginnings at NYU, through the MTV experience, into the movies, the album, and "Stella" on Comedy Central. Overall, a very entertaining, educating, and funny lecture, followed by some lame San Francisco audience Q&A.
The point of this post however, is that the one or two of you who read this and value my sanity, need to go to the online petition to save "Stella" over there at comedy Central and get it out on DVD and a season 2 in the works.
Follow this link: http://www.petitiononline.com/stella06/petition.html and sign it and hopefully, we can have more "Stella"!
Thank you for your support.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Random Top 5 List

Best 5 Guitar Solos Ever...
5. Cult of Personality-Vernon Reid
4. I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man-Prince
3. Detroit Rock City-Ace Frehley
2. Rebel Yell-Steven Stevens
1. Purple Rain-Prince

its true.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Harry Belafonte, where have you gone?
This time to Venezuela with his buddy Danny Glover to visit the socialist President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez. This is a guy who is a Castro-like Socialist who has quadrupled the number of weapons his country's Army carry and threatened to shut off Venezuela's oil supplies to anyone who defies him.
While there in South America, Danny and Hugo and Harry went on a radio show where Mr. Belafonte called American President George W Bush the "world's biggest terrorist".
Now I support all of our right to express ourselves how we like and if you want to visit Venezuela, go for it, I've been there myself.
What disturbs me, is though I don't care for Mr. Bush, although I would hardly call him a terrorist, is how celebrities go off on these little jaunts and say their little liberal ideas and we, as Americans, are supposed to pay homage to what they say.
Being a celebrity doesn't make you smarter than me, more moral than me, a better person than me. The man sings songs for Pete's sake. As far as I know he only sings one song, but I digress.
I'm just tired of the liberal celebrity hoard going out and making the speeches wherever it is inappropriate, they get lots of coverage, and somehow its given credence.
Express yourself, great. But Danny Glover, Sean Penn, Warren Beatty, Rob Reiner, Michael Moore, Harry Belafonte...save it. I don't care what you think and ever time you do it, I swing a little further to the right

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Killer Storms

One of the best things about living in California is that it only rains in the winter. All the rest of the year, no rain, no mist, no nothing.
One of the worst things about living in California is that it only rains in the winter.
This gives the local news the opportunity to call every rain shower a STORM! They track the STORM!, they monitor the STORM!, they watch the STORM! and then it rains 1/8 of an inch in 24 hours.
When I lived in Pennsylvania, the word storm was reserved for things like 12 inches of snow or massive amounts of lightning strikes. The everyday rain was usually referred to as rain.
Here in California, every approaching system that involves rainfall is a STORM according to the dudes on the news. i believe this has led us into a "the boy who cried wolf" scenario.
This last week, there actually was a storm, several counties up here flooded out due to very heavy rainfall and the overflow of several rivers and creeks. Very few people left the area when the STORM came through, maybe because it was just another STORM in a long line of STORMS.
What I'm trying to say is it's okay if its just going to rain. I know California is the most important place in the world, but not everything that happens here needs to be of life or death.
But now I have to go and prepare my earthquake kit because the big one is coming maybe next year, maybe next decade or maybe in FIVE MINUTES!